Saturday, May 3, 2014


Let it be, May!

Birds are chirping, BBQ is grilling, pools are opening, and the sweet smell of flowers blooming fill the air.  May is so beautiful, because it is when people seem to be happier (besides Christmas) and this season tends to make more smiles appear.

This month is full of things to do, yet not enough time to do all of them.  As Adam and I are transitioning into another month of marriage, we are truly transitioning within our lives together as well.  From, figuring out where we are going to move next, to having discussions about full-time career opportunities, to trying to make more time for each other with our schedules, life kind of is speeding before us and we need to catch up!

I am excited for this May because I have some goals that I promised myself I will keep to!  One personal goal (that won't be in my list of 5) is that I am going to try and post at least once or twice a week.  Since life has been flashing before me, it has been difficult to just sit down and write.  BUT, I WILL DO IT!  I am planning on sharing some projects that I am planning on doing, to what I am teaching myself about finding my way.  On with the goals.


  1. Have a true date(s) with Adam.   I've seen ideas from special dinner dates, group dates, to movie nights.  But, one that I have seen that I want to try is, once a month Adam and I would go on a grocery shopping date for a specific dinner in mind for that night and then cook it together. Daw.
  2. Truly show appreciation for others more.  This is really self explanatory, but I want to show people out there, either it be family, friends or random strangers, more acts of kindness.  Pay it forward, y'all.
  3. Get rid of the negative!  Get rid of that extra clutter in your life, get rid of that negative energy, and get RID of those negative people!! They are NOT worth your happiness.  I have had to tell myself that a lot, but I am really going to live by it now.
  4. Make more time for Girl Time.
  5. Take fur-babies on a LONGER walk everyday. (with Adam) We take them on a good walk everyday or every other day, but I want to take them on a longer walk, and more often!  And with Adam, because then we can go over our day, what made us smile, what made us frustrated, and why we love each other.

What are your May Goals?  Lots of things happening for us this month, y'all.  We got to keep that smile on our face, and in our hearts and keep our faith always.

Talk to you soon!

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